
One of Moberly School District's big five school improvement goals is to develop a culture of safety and well-being. With financial assistance through state grants and local funds, district staff members have taken the following steps to increase safety and security across the district:

  • Identified District Safety Coordinator

  • Created Building Level Safety Teams and Established Monthly Meetings

  • Updated Building Emergency Operating Plans and Reviewed with Safety Teams

  • Created District Safety Team and Established Monthly Meetings 

  • Created District Emergency Operating Plan & Collaborated with Evacuation Site Coordinators to Communicate Drill Schedules and Access 

  • Participated in Active Shooter Training

  • Offered "Stop the Bleed" Training to All Staff

  • Installed Riot Film Window Laminate Near All Entry Doors & Windows

  • Installed Mirrored Film to Obstruct the View of Children from Exterior Windows and Doors

  • Installed Air Filters in All Buildings

  • Installed Additional Security Cameras

  • Adding a District Reunification App

  • Adding Lobby Entry Photo ID and Visitor Badge Printers for All School Buildings

  • Added a Mobile App for Unified Notification System

  • Upgrading District Website with Link for Electronic Reporting Monitored Daily

  • Established Long Distance Reunification Sites in Case of Man Made or Natural Threat

  • Added Classroom Phones in All New Alternative School Rooms/Offices

  • Removal of Hazardous Materials from High School Science Lab

  • Purchased 18” Letters to Be Added to Each Building for First Responder Identification

  • Purchased 3M Hi Def Reflective Numbers for Exterior Windows & Doors for First Responder Identification

  • Added “Write to the Top” Electronic Notification System                                                                                               
  • Created Video How-To for Reporting Threats of Violence

Moberly School District thanks our Board of Education, employee team, parents, community members, and patrons for their contributions to increased safety for Moberly students and staff!